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Reason Why You Are Not Losing Weight Despite The Efforts.


Often, we know that we are working hard to do something and yet we do not see the results we hope for. Being on a diet and not being able to lose weight can be really frustrating, but losing weight is not always a matter of taking in fewer calories and exercising more! Our body is actually much more intelligent than we think and if we try to "deceive" it, we could get the exact opposite, that is to gain weight. There are a few reasons why you may not be able to lose weight permanently.

The first question I ask anyone who asks me how to lose weight is: "Do you plan meals?". Nine times out of ten the answer is no. If we don't regularly record what we eat, how do we know if we are getting the right amount of calories? In fact, most people tend to underestimate the calories they eat; if the calories exceed the calorie requirement, the body will not be able to burn enough to lose body fat. Even in the opposite case, however, that we take less calories than necessary, the body gets used to eating little and accumulates more fat to protect itself from periods of "lean".

Track meals, keeping track of the calories you eat and you may find out where the problem is if you can't lose weight.

You probably work 6 to 8 hours a day and what do you do for the rest of the day? If we must spend at least 8 hours sleeping, the rest should be dedicated to physical activity. Many of us, although exercising regularly, tend to have a sedentary lifestyle, due to an office job that keeps us glued to a chair, in front of the computer or sitting in the car.

NEAT matters too, but what exactly is it about? NEAT is an English acronym that stands for "thermogenesis from activities not associated with exercise" and represents the energy expenditure that you have from activities such as walking, tying your shoes, going to get a glass of water and other daily activities that we do regularly. If you are unable to lose weight, it is best to review your daily habits, even the smallest ones.

I discovered with great surprise that on average I took about 2,000 steps and now I always try to do between 6,000 and 8,000. In this way I feel more motivated to move, even if it is simply a matter of getting up more often every two hours to take two steps.

Many underestimate its importance, but rest is essential for losing weight. While sleeping, the body produces hormones that help the whole body recover energy and also burn fat. If you sleep little, the consequence will be a hormonal and blood sugar phase shift, as well as a drop in energy and the probability of taking calories during the day. Have you ever been tired and hungry? Now you know why.

Go to bed at the same time every day. I recommend going to bed always at 22.00 and in a completely dark room, to allow the body to release the right hormones to sleep well. If you tend to stay on your computer or mobile phone until the last minute, put an alarm on half an hour earlier and disconnect any device and relax with a tea or herbal tea. And on Sunday: no alarm clock! This is my personal rule.

This is the real key to success. What I often see is an extreme approach to weight loss: people who focus on nutrition and training 105% for weeks and then lose enthusiasm and motivation and promise to always start again "next Monday". It is better to give 80% but constantly.

Let's take an example: we have two types of person, A or B. Outside for dinner, A eats a whole pizza because he feels he has already sabotaged the diet and simply decides to start again on "Monday". Type B eats 1 or 2 pieces of pizza, but resumes his diet the next day.

A has consumed all the calories of a day in a single meal while B has not exaggerated and can start again from the next day, obtaining more lasting results than A.

Don't be too hard on yourself: do your best every day, do your workouts and start in small steps, for example doing 2 workouts a week and gradually adding other workouts. Also focus on nutrition, making the right choices for 80% and leaving a 20% margin to give yourself some tears. Track your progress and try to stick to the plan as much as possible.

Is there also one of these reasons why you perhaps cannot lose weight? Leave us a comment to tell us about your experience.


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