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Coconut and carrot beneficial of your hair growth

Coconut and carrot  beneficial of your hair  g rowth One of the most effective home remedies for hair growth is said to be the mixture of coconut and carrot. If you want to promote or accelerate the growth of your hair, the first thing you have to do is maintain good eating habits and a good haircare routine. Additionally, you can try some natural remedies, such as coconut and carrot that we are going to discuss. It is said that both carrot and coconut contain nutrients that promote hair health and allow you to achieve a long, healthy and strengthened mane. Conditioner to stimulate the growth of your hair The coconut and carrot based home conditioner is a very easy to prepare homemade formula. To get its benefits, you need to apply it regularly and be patient, as the results are not immediate. According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN): Carrots are a source of vitamin A and carotenoids. And in more discrete amounts, they contain vitamins B6, C, an

3 Prepared With Rosemary To Care For Your Hair

3 prepared with rosemary to care for your hair Did you know that rosemary is an excellent remedy for your hair? Today you will discover 3 different preparations that will allow you to use it and take advantage of all its benefits. If you have never thought about using rosemary to take care of your hair, you are missing a natural remedy that can help you look healthier, brighter and stronger. To encourage you to try it, below we share 3 very simple preparations that you can apply yourself at home. The benefits of rosemary to care for your hair Choosing rosemary to take care of your hair is one of the best choices, since this plant can offer you several benefits. One of them, as pointed out in the Botanical and Pharmaceutical Study of products for application in cosmetics and skin care, is that it contributes to hair health, stimulating growth. In addition to hair loss or loss of density, which is usually one of the most common conditions among people, rosemary has anothe

Does SHEA BUTTER darken the complexion?

Does Shea Butter darken the complexion? ARSHLAY When you want to use a body product, the first thing you care about is whether it "darkens" the skin. For those of us with black skin, our complexion can vary under the effect of beauty products. Some tend to lighten it, others darken it. I prefer the term "darken" to "blacken" because at the base, our skin is black but it is the complexion that varies from one person to another, from honey to caramel color. By claiming that the skin turns black, we might think that we are questioning the basic color of our skin. Which is not the case. It is just a question of the variation of the complexion. Everyone prefers to have a uniform and radiant complexion. Admittedly it can vary according to the seasons, but it always returns to its basic color in a natural way. And as I said, body products can alter the complexion. Except that it is not only industrial products, natural products are also affected, it all depends