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How To Draw Natural Eyebrows : Make Up tips and products

How To Draw Natural Eyebrows : Make Up tips and products:

Today, the eyebrows are reliving a new season of glory: cured, combed, defined. The important thing is that they are natural. Read our make-up tips and suggested products

Real face frames, eyebrows must be considered an essential part of successful makeup.

In order to enhance the face, it is good not to distort the natural design of the eyebrows too much because, by dint of being torn, they risk not growing back: their growth is in fact slow and irregular. The correct form is the one that follows the established natural line of the eye's orbital bone. Sometimes, it is necessary to intervene only in small points: this will serve to open the gaze and prevent the face from being weighed down by too thick or disordered eyebrows.

Natural shape of the eyebrows:

Drawing the eyebrows in a natural way must have the sole purpose of raising (slightly!) The arch of the eyebrows, without however altering or hardening the expression of the face.

With the appropriate precautions you can give the optical illusion of lengthening or widening the eye, creating an effect of greater brightness and opening. Always in a very natural way.

If you carefully observe the design of an eyebrow, you will find that the growth of the hair covers exactly the bone structure of the eyebrow arch: this means that the growth of the hair is limited to a specific space. Extirpating the hair too much, going beyond some "borders", risks making the eyebrows unnatural.

How to make the natural design of the eyebrows:

How to establish the parameters to perform the correct drawing? «With a pencil, divide the eye into 3 points: 1) inside the eye, ie the beginning of the eyebrow; 2) exact half of the eye, which will correspond to the height of the eyebrow; 3) external end of the eye, which will correspond to the eyebrow tail (see figure above) »- explains Giorgio Forgani, PUPA make up artist.

Beginning of the eyebrow:

Place a pencil on your face following an imaginary straight line that starts from the inner corner of the eye towards the mouth, touching the nostril of the nose. All hair that "comes out" from the pencil must be eradicated, because that point indicates the exact beginning of the eyebrow. It is not convenient to shave too much, otherwise the eyes will seem too far apart.

End of the eyebrow:

Thus move the same pencil diagonally, starting from the nostril of the nose towards the end of the eyebrows, and at the same time touching the outer corner of the eye. In this way, you will understand what is the point where the eyebrow must end: also in this case, if the hairs come out of the pencil, they must be removed; otherwise they must be added. Too short eyebrows can make eyes appear small or round.

Eyebrow height:

Based on the figure above, proceed in this way to define the height of the eyebrow, that is, the point where the hairs must be removed to give brightness to the look. Place the pencil diagonally, starting from the mouth, touch the nostril of the nose and end where there is the iris of the eye. The point near the eyebrows where the pencil is positioned indicates the maximum height of the eyebrow itself. Thus remove the hair that comes out of that line, no more, otherwise you risk getting an unnatural design.

Eyebrows: tips for a natural result:

After understanding the architecture of your ideal but still natural eyebrows, remove excess hair. The hairs must be torn with the appropriate tweezers, always following the direction of growth. Steel tweezers with thin tips are preferable, which manage to have a good grip even on barely visible hairs, as well as allowing greater speed in carrying out this operation.

Check if there is a slight hair on the temple and eyebrow and in the font area because generally, even if it seems harmless, it can blur the brightness of the face.

Define the shape:

1. First, comb the eyebrows up and out. In this way you can have an objective view of any corrections to be made.

2. Evaluate the space available in the orbicular area.

3. Eliminate any excess hair, without exceeding, evaluating the changes made step by step.

4. Avoid using scissors to shorten or thin out eyebrows, including the use of waxing. The effect will be unnatural with the consequent disordered growth of the eyebrows.

To get an early view of the final effect of eyebrow hair removal, you can color any hair you want to eliminate with a white or beige pencil. With this method you will minimize errors.

The actual design
1. Make sure your eyebrows are clean: if you have already done eye make-up or the base, remove any foundation or powder residues in case they exist.

2. Comb the eyebrows upwards to define the final lower part and then comb them down to define the final upper part. You can help yourself with an angled brush if you use eyebrow gel or you can use a more precise pencil.

3. Fill in the empty part that was created between the two parts and comb the eyebrows inside the design you created.

4. Define the initial lower part, trying to leave the initial upper part much more nuanced than the rest.

5. With a corrector and a flat brush define the outline: with this step you can remedy any inaccurate lines.

6. Add an eyebrow mascara to fix them.

How to use the eyebrow pencil:

The right pencil is the one with a rather hard and well-pointed lead. Thus he draws small strokes in the direction of the natural growth of the hair, until he defines the design of the arch. For a natural effect, the strokes must always be light and thin, in order to give the impression that the hair is real.

To make the effect even more likely, blend the marks just drawn with a brush like the one used for the lips. Then, with a darker colored pencil, trace the other lines in order to create a chiaroscuro effect.

How to use the various eyebrow products:

In addition to pencils, specific powders can be used to draw and fill in the eyebrows. Usually they are kits made up of 2 pressed powders, one lighter and the other darker, and a brush. The lighter powder is used to draw the eyebrows, the darker one to fill the section just made. Also in this case, it is good to follow a symmetrical "diagonal" trend that follows the direction of the hair. This is the only way to obtain a natural eyebrow design.

The offer of eyebrow products is completed by creamy gels that give a clearer line and are indicated for very poorly defined eyebrows. They have the shape of a small mascara with which to comb, coloring, the hairs of the eyebrows. To have a natural effect, we recommend starting shortly after the start of the eyebrows, and then blending the color towards the roots of the nose. Otherwise you risk darkening too unnaturally.


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