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How To Wear Makeup For School / (Teenage_School_Girls)

                          Wear Makeup For School
The beginning of school is approaching and many girls are already thinking about the look to show off for the first day. Obviously, the watchword is 'do not go unnoticed', but one must be careful not to dare too much and thus avoid hitting the 'sensitivity' of the various professors. How to wear make-up for an ad hoc 'back to school' without excesses?

How to wear makeup for school
As every year, the summer passes too quickly and in a flash we find ourselves dealing with September. This is the month of the return to school and while the parents rejoice, the boys get desperate. The return to the benches, however, is not unpleasant for everyone and there are also many positive sides. An example? The adrenaline you feel on the first day is unique and there are many girls who think long and hard before choosing the right look.

There are those who have super tanned skin and want to highlight the tan and those who, on the other hand, preferred not to sunbathe and still intend to proudly show off their pink skin in perfect 'ceramic doll' style. Whichever 'category' you belong to, the password is only one: don't go unnoticed. How to put make-up on in the eye without risking going too far? The secrets are not many, but there are some precautions to be observed to avoid hoarding, from the first day, the professors' dislikes. The first tip is to wear little make-up and to leave quirky makeup for afternoons with friends or disco nights. Starting from the beginning, unless you have a few pimples or blackheads too many, try to avoid both the concealer and the foundation.

If you really can not avoid it, choose a concealer that is not too light and not too pink, otherwise your skin, if tanned, will be grayish. Remember that the concealer should be applied under the eyes, on imperfections and on areas that tend to redden, for example the sides of the nose and never evenly. Blend the product with a compact bristle brush and work it until it is completely melted with your skin. In this way you will avoid the creation of the classic 'spots' of color that are really ugly to look at. At this point, if there is the usual shine that does not convince you, give a light touch of transparent powder, trying to obtain a natural and homogeneous effect.

Eye makeup :
The eyes are important, you know, and enhancing them as they deserve is a necessary step for a self-respecting beauty routine, even if we are preparing to go to school. It is with our eyes that we make the first acquaintance of the people who come before us and the success of the classic "first impact" can depend on them. For the 'back to school' the black pencil should be avoided. Brown, green, purple or blue are the most suitable shades. Just apply the color in the lower inner rim or just outside and along the lash line and you're done. If you are good with eyeliner you can also dare with black, but leaving the lower part of the eye without a pencil and without mascara.

As for the latter, however, try not to overdo it and, perhaps, also aim for the transparent one that provides the lashes with a perfect crease. Turning to eye shadows, try to choose light and bright shades. Forget the black or purple smokey eye, the result could prove to be inauspicious, especially with the professors. Green light for pink, flesh-colored, beige, gold, brown and all pastel colors.

Lipstick yes or lipstick no?
Maybe the correct answer is 'no'. Forget the shades of red, fuchsia and purple. Leave them for the usual evenings with friends, but never put them at school, unless it's Carnival. Green light, however, for lip balm and shiny lipgloss, perhaps also moisturizing and long-lasting. Obviously, if you could do without it, it would be perfect.


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