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8 tips to have more beautiful and healthy hair

8 tips to have more beautiful and healthy hair

To undo the knots in the hair, apply a little jojoba or coconut oil and you will see how, after a few minutes, you can detangle the hair without problems.

Our hair is closely related to the nervous system and is mainly made up of muscle tissue, keratin, oils, proteins and silicon.

To have more beautiful hair, it is necessary to constantly care for it, since it is exposed to many factors that can weaken and damage it. There are natural and easy ways to take care of your health and to always look beautiful, soft and with a spectacular shine. Do you want to learn how to take care of your hair?

Tips for looking more beautiful hair

Many people only worry about washing their hair and combing it every day, without knowing that there are other daily habits that we must take into account to give it hydration and health. Next, we tell you what you must do to have the most beautiful hair:

Brush your hair every day

Brushing the hair every day several times stimulates the blood circulation in the scalp, which makes our hair grow more and be healthier. If you want a softer and longer mane, then it's time to become an ally of combs and brush your hair two or three times a day.

Rinse with cold water
Contineous use of hot/warm water usually weakens our scalp, making it look dry and dull. Instead, cold water is very healthy for our hair, since it seals the cuticles of the hair, making it more shiny and silky.

Obviously, we are not saying that you should rinse it with ice water. Simply a good habit of showering with moderately cold or warm water will suffice.

Avoid excessive exposure to heat
When we are frequently exposed to heat, our scalp becomes dry and, as a consequence, we see that the hair loses shine and life over the days.

The frequent use of irons, dryers and tweezers causes our hair to weaken and the ends to open, slowing their growth. The ideal to avoid these damages is to reduce the use of this type of apparatus and to do so, subsequently apply a good moisturizing treatment for the hair and scalp.

Take care when removing knots
Knots are a frequent problem in hair and can become a big problem for our hair if we do not give them the correct treatment. There are those who break free from the knots and this is not the way.

When we break the hair to get rid of the knots, the only thing we cause is great damage to our mane. A good trick? Apply a bit of jojoba or coconut oil on the knot, let a few minutes pass and then untangle the annoying knot.

Frequently cut ends

The ends of the hair tend to suffer from dryness and over time they break, making our hair look less healthy and more opaque. Experts recommend cutting the ends at least once every two months to promote good hair health and show more beautiful hair.

Eat a healthy diet

Diet plays a very important role, since the nutrients that food provides us are also vital for good hair health. Drink 2-liter of water in a day. Eat vegetables,fruits,nuts,dairy products,fish & etc.

Treatments for healthy hair

 There are many types of masks, conditioners, shampoos and products to take care of our hair, here are two good remedies for dry hair and mixed hair, respectively.

Avocado and Egg Treatment

Avocado is known for its multiple health benefits for our hair and skin, as this study shows, since it is rich in nutrients and essential oils and in this treatment we combine it with the benefits of the egg to make a powerful haircare mask of our hair.


  • 1 ripe avocado.
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (15 ml).

How to do it?

Crush the ripe avocado with a fork and then add the egg yolk and olive oil. Mix all the ingredients well and apply the resulting paste to all the hair and scalp, leaving it to work for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse as usual and repeat 2 times a month.

Banana and lemon treatment

With this simple treatment we can give hydration to our hair, at the same time that we give it a deep cleaning and combat damage. This is due to the fact that it contains minerals such as calcium, potassium and iron that, when absorbed, help to maintain healthy hair.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • Lemon juice.
  • 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil (15 ml).

What should you do?

Crush the ripe banana with a fork and mix it with the lemon juice and sunflower oil. Once you get a paste, apply it to damp hair. Let it act for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse very well.

They are two natural and very simple remedies that will make you look more beautiful, healthy and shiny hair. Try them out! I'm sure they'll convince you.


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